Welcome to SolPress Plugins

SolPress Woocoommerce Payment Plugin
A completely free, open source, permissionless, WordPress/Woocommerce payment gateway extension plugin using the power of the Solana blockchain.

SolPress WordPress Login Plugin
A completely free, open source, permissionless, WordPress user registration and login plugin using Solana blockchain wallets. Say goodbye to emails and hello to web3 logins.
Why SolPress?
Using the Solana blockchain and USDC (US Dollar Coin issued by Circle.com) you do not suffer as a business from predatory credit card-like fees, or those seen at many payment options. The buyer pays a small fee to the blockchain in SOL (Solana cryptocurrency)
With payments confirmed within seconds, Solana is one of the fastest blockchains in the world. It brings your Woocommerce ecommerce store into the world of web3 early adaptors, and you reap the benefits (which you can share with customers to initial incentivize USDC use)
People are becoming more friendly with web3 wallet logins everyday. Hundreds of thousands of people already use blockchain wallets like Phantom. We support all the most popular Solana wallets and allow for registration and login of users to your WordPress websites or Woocommerce store.
We harness the power of Woocommerce and our helper plugin SolWall to set content creators up with a platform that can do almost anything you want. Lock down Pages, Posts, Comments, or individual snippets of Text, Video, or Image using SolWall. Pair with free plugins like Direct Checkout and it’s a smooth and fast checkout for your content gating.
USDC on Ethereum Blockchain-
Transaction Time: 30 Second+ Avg.
Avg. Transaction Cost (for buyers): $2+
Avg. Waiting Time for Funds: None
Approval Need for Businesses? None (permissionless)
USDC on Solana Blockchain-
Transaction Time: Under 1 Second Avg.
Avg. Transaction Cost (for buyers): $0.00025
Avg. Waiting Time for Funds: None
Approval Need for Businesses? None (permissionless)
Credit Card
Transaction Time: Under 1 Second Avg.
Avg. Transaction Cost (for buyers): $0
Avg. Waiting Time for Funds: 24 Hrs to 3 Days+
Approval Need for Businesses? Yes (will not work with all locations/businesses)
*More information at https://www.fool.com/the-ascent/research/average-credit-card-processing-fees-costs-america/